This is a poem about events which have happened over and over again throughout history. They are not limited to groups belonging to specific races, castes, faiths, gender, sexual orientation, class, nationality etc.
I would love to say that humanity will prevail and these scenarios won’t be repeated in the future, but I simply don’t know if that will ever be the case.
Instead, I leave you with a poem, which may help express the feelings of those who have, and are, suffering due to the war on their doorstep.
Is it not enough that I have no clean water left?
That I cannot quench my thirst.
That I cannot wash myself.
That I cannot flush the toilet.
Is it not enough that I have no light?
That I am surrounded by darkness.
That the brightness within me is also fading away.
Is it not enough that I have no electricity?
That I can’t cook.
That I can’t get warm.
That I can’t reach out to loved ones to check that they’re alright.
That I can’t tell them I am still alive!
Is it not enough that I can’t leave my home?
That I can’t go for a walk.
That I can’t go to a place of worship.
Is it not enough that you have disempowered me this much?
That I am helpless in this unfair fight.
That I am a prisoner in my own home.
That I am forced to sit and watch the destruction around me.
That I am a sitting duck!
Is it not enough that I can’t open my windows?
That I will only smell death if I do!
That the pollution from the weapons will only penetrate me further.
Is it not enough that I daren’t look outside?
That I will see my road in a way, which I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
That I would see the street littered with body parts.
That I might even see someone fade away!
Is it not it enough that I am forced to smell the destruction?
That I can literally smell those I once knew.
That I can smell the weapons.
That I can smell fear all around me?
Is it not enough that my ears will never be the same again?
That the sound of the rockets has damaged my ears!
That any loud noises make me tense!
That I cannot forget the screams and the cries!
Simply, is it not enough?
Can’t we stop now?
Can’t we call a truce?
Can’t we let go of the past?
Can’t we see beyond the label of faith, nationality, race and culture?
Can’t we let each other be?
Civilian casualties – Vietnam
Civilian casualties – Afghanistan
Civilian casualties – Dakota
Civilian casualties – Germany
Civilian casualties – Hsuchow in China
Civilian casualties – India
Civilian casualties – Japan
Civilian casualties – Katyn
Civilian casualties – Korea
Civilian casualties – Palestine
Civilian casualties – Peninsular War – Spanish resisters
Civilian casualties – Syria