My friend was telling me about the fact that he was going away and didn’t know what to take. He hadn’t started packing yet and wasn’t sure where to begin.
I stumbled upon this website and thought the content was great in terms of preparing well before you travel. So I thought I’d share it with you. 🙂
We’ve put together this travel check list to help you plan for your trip abroad and stay safe whilst you are there. We’ve got more advice for specific types of travellers in our Travel advice relevant to you section.
Before you go:
* check our travel advice pages for the country you are visiting. Sign up for email alerts and you’ll get the latest updates for that country
* register with our LOCATE service so we can get in touch with you if something goes wrong
* find out where the nearest embassy will be — check their website to find out what services they offer and their opening times
* don’t travel without insurance — make sure it covers you for any activities you are likely to undertake such as extreme or water sports
* travelling within the EU? Then get a free European Health Insurance Card for free or reduced emergency care – you still need full travel insurance though!
* check with your doctor whether you need any vaccinations at least six weeks before you travel
* make sure you’ve got correct visas for the country you are visiting and that your passport is valid
* for certain countries your passport must be valid for 6 months after the date you travel — check before you go
* take photocopies of your passport and other important documents and keep these separate from the originals when you travel and/or store them online using a secure data storage site.
* tell a friend or relative where you are going and for how long for – give them some idea of your itinerary if possible and an emergency contact number
* take enough money for your trip and some back-up funds in a mix of cash and travellers cheque – make a note of the cheques’ numbers before you go
* invest in a good travel guide to help you plan your trip
* driving abroad? Make sure your licence is current and valid. Make sure you are aware of the driving laws in the country you are visiting
* turn the land line off at home

Parhus Shah · April 10, 2008 at 10:27 am
I shall use this checkilist for when Im going to Amsterdam this weekend. If I forgert something that is not on the list I shall make not and let you know.
Heena Modi · July 18, 2010 at 11:07 pm
We went away over the last few days and forgot to do something! It’s not on this check list 🙁
We forgot to turn the alarm on our phone off.
It must have been going off every 10 mins over 3 days
Not ideal is it?
So the moral of the story is turn all ‘wake up’ alarms off when you go 🙂
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