I got an email from my friend Chirag recently. He was really impressed that he could get a Jain meal on the flight. Check out the discussion that was sparked from this info: –
Hi all,
I’m travelling on Air New Zealand soon and took the opportunity to look at their meal options:
I spotted VJML — Jain Vegetarian Meal. Nice to see airlines catering for us!
Vegetarian Jain
Vegetarian foods prepared Indian style according to Jain customs
Please advise your contacts that they now have the option of ordering Jain food on planes — they should ask their carrier the next time they fly.
Harshad replied to the forwarded email with a surprising response: –
Dear Heena,
Jain Meals have been offered by many international airlines over many years. Â The IATA code for Jain Meal used to be JNML.
For reasons not known, many airlines withdrew this service and the JNML code was removed.
Many airlines, including BA, Thai, Mauritius, Quantas, ANZ, etc., have or are in the process of reintroducing Jain Meal on their flights.
Jains who are observers should enquire and book a JAIN meal.
Let us strive to put JAINISM on the world map in a stronger colour!
Mansukh then replied: –
Dear Heena,
I am delighted that even Airlines are taking on board and complying with the Jain dietary needs on long haul flights that cross the International Date Line. Despite the fact that we are but a tiny minority on the world stage our needs are recognised and catered for. In the midst of all around bad news this is something that is positive and helpful to us all.
Have you found out anything about meal provision on flights?

Sagar · June 20, 2009 at 5:19 am
In my travels, I am finding that vegan meals are becoming more and more prevalent.
Heena Modi · June 21, 2009 at 1:44 pm
Nice to see isn’t it?
Yet I still hear people say it’s too inconvenient, eating out must be a trauma and so on and so forth
Reeta Shah · June 22, 2009 at 7:52 am
It is nice to know that lot of airlines are now providing Jain Vegetarian Meal which identifies as Jain Customs or Religious Meals. Some airlines only offer Jain Meals to and fro India. The meals have to be booked 24 – 48 hours before you fly. I have checked few airlines that offer Jain Meal:
British Arways
Virgin Atlantic
Air New Zealand
Emirates Airlines
Cathay Pacific Airlines
Thai Airways
Air India offers Gujarati Meal [never heard of that before]
Heena Modi · June 25, 2009 at 2:51 pm
Wow! The all offer Jain meals? That’s excellent!
Thanks Reeta 🙂
Darshana Shah Dhargalkar · June 4, 2011 at 2:23 am
Hi Heena,
Just came across your blog as a result of my google query for “is vegetarian oyster sauce really vegetarian?” and thought of congratulating you on having such a nice website.
I am also a writer and had written around 100 articles in Gujarat Samachar on social problems, feminine issues, health tips etc. and storngly feel that my best way to vent-off my thoughts is through expressing it in words….that also explains why I have written some Gujarati poems too!!! At a later date, I would love to share them with you, (if interested).
I live with my family (hubby & 2 kids) in Australia since last 4 years and was in UAE for 7 yrs. before that. I was born & brought up in Mumbai and can still say that wherever I go in life, I’ll still miss “amchi Mumbai” as “Mumbai meri jaan”!!
OK then that was probably too much for an introductory mail. More later (after u acknowledge this mail).
Once again, “Congrats” for having a useful & “paropkaari” blog!!!!!
Keep up the good work……
Heena Modi · June 7, 2011 at 5:29 pm
Thanks for the intro Darshana. It wasn’t too long at all 🙂
Always good to meet a fellow writer.
Do feel free to share content with me. You can find ways to contact me here – http://www.heenamodi.com/contact/
Jay S · July 12, 2011 at 10:00 am
Even Kingfisher has an option for Jain Meals. (Bombay to Heathrow, London).
The food was really appetizing.
Heena Modi · July 13, 2011 at 5:58 pm
Thanks for this Jay 🙂
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