Harrow have many temporary exhibitions scheduled. I have been to two an they have been excellent! Easy to understand. Visual, Good size of text. No judgement or bias shown and great content. I went to the Tudor one. It was called ‘Off with their heads! The Harrow of Henry VIII’ and it was all of the above. I forgot to say their exhibitions are child friendly too.
The second one that I went to see is called ‘Connections: Hidden British Histories’
It’s on from 3 November – 15 December 2008 and here’s what Harrow has to say about it: –
This exhibition looks at the history of Asian, Black and Jewish immigrants to Britain. It focuses on the relationships between them, their shared experiences, and the connections they have made.
I urge you to try and go before it closes. You could of course write to them and ask them to show it again or keep it on for longer. 🙂
Here’s an article that was printed in the Harrow Observer: –
Learning lessons from our community’s hidden history
Harrow Museum is launching an exhibition exploring the history of Asian, Black and Jewish immigrants to Britain called Connections: Hidden British Histories.
Personal stories and photographs are used to show how people from minority communities interacted in their new environments while the history of Asian, Black and Jewish food, music, literature and comedy is also explored.
The exhibition challenges the stereotypes of ethnic minorities and will allow the visitors to question their own identity, home and family history, bringing in their own personal experiences of immigration.
Visitors to the free museum at Headstone Manor, Pinner View, Harrow, can drop by on weekdays, excluding Tuesdays, between noon and 5pm and at weekends and bank holidays between 10.30am and 5pm from Monday, November 3, and Monday, December 15.
The display was originally developed in 1998 when the Jewish Council for Racial Equality, the Asian-Black-Jewish
Forum and the Parkes Institute for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations at Southampton University launched a major history project into the hidden relations of people from ethnic or faith minorities.
Visitors can look at the way the authors have researched the history of inter-ethnic minorities. There are positive stories of co-operation and learning as well as tales of the problems faced such as tension, prejudice and competition between minority groups.
The reality of the ignorance of people living in diverse cities, with minority groups not knowing anything about each others’ ethnicities, is explored.
The exhibition is the first comparative approach to the history of immigration in Britain and challenges the misconception of relationships between different communities.
Connections: Hidden British Histories is an ideal opportunity to bring people from different communities together, available for everyone from young people and adults.
Museum mangager Lottie Collins says: “This exhibition is very relevant to our community in Harrow, as we are such an ethnically diverse area.”
Oct 30 2008 Rebecca Perring, Harrow Observer