Suraj sent me a link to an article all about someone finding checking email to be a chore but wanting ‘inbox heaven‘. It sounds really simple so it wont be a chore to apply it. It sounds easy to follow and it definitely seems possible. It’s not too techie at all 🙂 I already follow points 1 and 2 and I’ll now think about the others he’s listed 🙂
So here’s what the author wrote: –
I had a dream.
A dream that email could be fun again. A dream that, instead of wrestling with my inbox every day, we could share the same bus and get along just fine.
Today that dream is realised and I’m going to share it with you. It won’t change the face of the planet or answer the Eternal Question (“have you seen my car keys?”), but it might just save you several hours a week.
The Quest For Inbox HeavenAbout two years ago I was up to my nostrils in email and I decided that enough was enough. I made a blueprint for Inbox Heaven.
The perfect email setup should let me:
1) Check all my email accounts in one place.
2) Easily archive or delete email.
3) Flag actionable mail but keep it out of my inbox.
4) Access email from my mobile without loss of functionality.
5) Not worry about how much it’s costing.
6) Feel good about email again.It sounded like a tall order.
The Experiments Began…..
To find out how it all went click on the following link ‘inbox heaven‘.

1 Comment
Sue · August 27, 2009 at 12:52 am
A light hearted but still an interesting post. I liked the list you put out there for us and it did make a refreshing change to how we all look at our email box. Thanks 🙂
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