I asked Julie Cook to send us something about fly tipping for our Grove Estate Residents Association (GERA) newsletter. We see lots of people coming over, throwing their rubbish in our bins and then driving off. Seeing that it is collected by the council doesn’t really give us residents any incentive to do anything different with our own rubbish! Of course, it’s not the way forward so we all need to play our part right?

For those of you who think the council just sort it, it’s not true. We have increased service and rent for them to get something towards the costs of hiring staff and vehicles to collect all this dumped rubbish. Please think about us if you think ‘it wont hurt if I dump it there’ because it does! However, you can get rid of it for free by taking it to the Civic Amenity Site. 🙂

So here’s what Julie Cook wrote: –

Bulk Rubbish — i.e. Washing Machines, Beds,

There is a continuing trend for residents and non – residents to dump their bulk items outside in the communal areas, not only is this unsightly it causes inconvenience to other residents. The Caretakers have to remove such items on a daily basis.

The cost of providing this service is coming from your rent and service charges and unless residents start to take responsibility themselves then theses charges will continue to be increased, to reflect this increased cost.

If you see someone fly tipping, make a note of their number plate and let us know by ringing 0208 420 9409 or email housingestatesservices@harrow.gov.uk. Help us help you reduce these charges.

Did you know that you can take your items free of charge to the Civic Amenity Site, Forward Drive, Wealdstone they are open from 7.30am until 4.30pm seven days a week apart from Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Julie Cook
Housing Operations Manager
Tel: 0208 424 1747
Fax: 0208 424 1003
Email: julie.cook@harrow.gov.uk

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