I found out about this event and asked for more information. Thanks to Minesh I now have a better understanding of what will be happening. It sounds great! Here’s the info: –
Event details: –
Date: 23rd Aug 2008
Time: 10:00 to 16:00
Location: Pinner Memorial Park, Chapel Lane, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 1AA
Cost: free (but car parking charges apply)Harrow Council is holding its first Climate Change Fair, where you can learn what climate change is, how it will affect us and what we can do about it!
There will be an activities area where many engaging activities will be held, including:
- Energy Bike, where your pedal power is used to power a light bulb, an MP3 player or a Hi-Fi.
- Carbon Gym – ‘feel’ how heavy carbon dioxide emissions are by lifting weights.
- Ecodriving simulator – drive a virtual car and see how you can reduce your emissions.
Council departments will present information on transport, air quality and energy efficiency, and environmental charities and businesses in the energy sector will host stalls. Have a browse around and find out what others are doing to protect the environment and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
When you want a break from learning about carbon emissions, energy saving and global warming, relax with our entertainment. There will be several acts starting at 12:00, including opera, Indian dance, and instrumental jazz and blues.
We also have a couple of other attractions that we hope to present; please check the Events section of www.harrow.gov.uk for updates!
In keeping with the theme of the fair, we encourage you to come by public transport or by low-emission forms of transport. This includes by bus (H11, H12, H13, 183), train (to Pinner Underground station), cycling or walking. Please check your route and service availability before you travel.
The park can be divided into two grassy areas. In one of them, we will provide space for stalls from second parties (businesses and organisations). Also in this area there will also be an entertainment tent, where we plan to have dance and music acts throughout the day for the public’s enjoyment. In the other area, the council-hosted marquees and displays will be held.
I hope this has been helpful; please contact me if you have further questions (contact details are in my signature).
Best regards,
Minesh Mistry.Mr. Minesh Mistry
Energy Project and Monitoring Officer,
Climate Change and Energy Team.
Direct Telephone: 020 8424 7569
Internal extension: 7569
Email: minesh.mistry@harrow.gov.uk

Heena Modi · August 7, 2008 at 9:21 am
How can this event be about children and adults learning, having fun, feeling empowered?
Perhaps this video can make this event (The Climate Change fair) more meaningful to you and your children?
Have you seen this video? It’s the summer holidays right? So if you’re bored, you want to keep the kids busy for a few mins or you want to engage them in some thought provoking conversation, please watch this video. It’s less than 10 mins long. It’s on YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZzEswKOfp0
Here’s some more about the video: –
The following information has been written by Viola: –
Severn Suzuki | E.C.O. 1992 | Environmental Children’s Organization
Amazing right? Can you use this video and script to enthuse your kids, their friends, other people’s kids & adults too?
Let’s all try and do a little. Together it will amount to a lot. 🙂
» Save time, money and the environment with a free home assessment paid for by Harrow Council | Heena Modi · October 31, 2008 at 4:34 pm
[…] here’s how it all happened. I went to the Climate Change Fair in Pinner and found out about these free assessments. So I signed up, I was called, we arranged a suitable […]
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