Hi ya! I’m not sure when it was World Environment Day but what do you think of this?
Dear Fellow Activist:
Today is World Environment Day.
Right now, Alain Robert, known as the French Spiderman, is risking his life in New York City climbing high into the skyline to raise awareness of the desperate need for real stewardship from world leaders on global warming ahead of next month’s G8 meeting.
He says “The Solution Is Simple”:
1 – Stop Cutting Down Trees. Plant More Trees.
2 – Make Everything Energy Efficient.
3 – Only Make Clean Energy.
The cost of action is a simple matter of math. The cost of acting NOW is far smaller than the cost of acting TOO LATE. But the time for action is running out, fast.
World leaders know this, but are still not acting fast or bravely enough. Last year in Bali, they failed to agree to ANY emissions reduction targets, but rather to two more years of more talk.
TALK is no longer cheap; but we can’t afford any more of it instead of ACTION.
But there is hope in the changing of the guard among world leaders. America’s next President could help lead the way.
There’s reason for hope. We urgently need a global agreement for at least a 50 percent cut in emissions.
World leaders meet again next month at the G8 conference in Japan. YOU can help make sure they get the message. Go to http://www.thesolutionissimple.org and join your voice with ours.
Together we WILL be heard.
Together, millions of us can help make history on the most urgent and important issue of our lifetime. It’s that simple.
Stay informed, stay inspired, stay active!
As always in solidarity,
Your friends at AnitaRoddick.com and IAmAnActivist.org
Heena Modi · August 5, 2008 at 1:09 am
Blogs like this and the issues being discussed in the school I work in inspired me to do some amazing work with the kids I teach.
The head has been talking us being ‘greener’ in every sense. From recycling to what we buy, how we pack it, how it gets to us etc.
I asked the children to tell me about what they had been discussing, we turned these recollections into sentences and then used them to create a letter.
The children created individual formal letters which I then photocopied and sent to various supermarkets.
You could see how empowered the felt! How positive they felt! Citizens in the true sense. Using their initiative and making a difference in their own way!
So the letter!
They said they wanted fruit and veg to be sold when it was in season and they could do without it during other times of the year.
They asked them to charge customers for bags and encourage them to bring their own and recycle them via posters etc.
They suggested that food is packaged with less or no packaging e.g. broccoli doesn’t need to be wrapped in film.
They asked if they can collect batteries in house and then send them off for recycling.
They said that energy saving bulbs needed to be cheaper and they needed to have offers with these bulbs, as they do with the other bulbs, and perhaps sell them in bulk packs too.
They asked if we can recycle used light bulbs in store.
So many things. The letter was amazing! I am so proud of them. More importantly, I think they were proud of themselves 🙂
Heena Modi · August 7, 2008 at 9:08 am
If you have 10 mins please watch this video? It’s on YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZzEswKOfp0
Here’s some more about the video: –
The following information has been written by Viola: –
Severn Suzuki | E.C.O. 1992 | Environmental Children’s Organization
Amazing right? Can you use this video and script to enthuse your kids, their friends, other people’s kids & adults too?
Let’s all try and do a little. Together it will amount to a lot. 🙂
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