Making your entries:
The competition is open to all pupils aged 5-19.
Pupils should write briefly about their art work. Some suggested prompts for this follow below, but free writing is encouraged.
Entries should be not larger than A3 in size. Good digital photos of 3-D entries are welcome.
Schools may send no more than 8 entries to the national competition. School based or local judging can take place before these are sent.
No entries will be awarded prizes unless they arrive at NATRE on or before 31st July 2008.
All entries must have the pupils’ name, age, school address and email address clearly marked on them (on the back is fine)
FE and other 16-19 entries are especially encouraged.
Entries via ICT, digital video and other multimedia approaches, and group entries, are encouraged ~ special mention will be made on the website of the best of these.
Judges have often awarded commendations and prizes to pupils from SEN settings.
Entries become the property of NATRE the National Association for Teachers of RE. They may be used in web and other publishing.
Winning and commended entries will be added to the Art in Heaven web gallery.
Prompts for pupils’ writing
(adapt freely for different age groups and in any way suitable):
The theme of my art work is…
The title I’ve chosen is…
This picture is all about…
This is a spiritual picture because…
I’ve tried to show my thoughts / ideas / feelings by…
To make the image, I used…
I’m proud of my work because…
The main point of the image is…
I’ve thought a lot about theme, and I would like to say…
Send your entries to:
Art in Heaven,
1020 Bristol Road,
Selly Oak
B29 6LB.
Thanks to our sponsors, the Westhill Trust and Christian Aid for their generous support.
We are pleased to receive entries via email – digital photography of 3D entries has been popular in previous competitions. Send to:
The Web gallery for the previous competitions is at:
We recommend pupils look at the gallery to see what inspires them — reviewing the gallery and choosing their own favourites is a great homework.
Download Application Notes PDF