I wrote this when I was remembering my father. He passed away a few years ago. Perhaps it will help you understand someone else who has lost someone that they loved. Perhaps it will increase the compassion in you. Perhaps it will help you deal with your feelings. Perhaps it will make no sense at all. Let me know…
One-day life changes
Fewer places to set at the table
Fewer seats taken in the car
One less person to cook for
One less person to eat with
One less person to look after
One less person to share things with
One less birthday to celebrate
One less anniversary to remember
One less parent’s day
Less future memories with them with them
No fewer memories from the
Are they still here?
Are they watching over us?
Are they helping us?
Are they holding us?
Are they giving us strength?
Are they manipulating us?
Are they fulfilling wishes which death robbed them of?
Are they finding their path to peace through us?
Are they learning the answers to questions they never dared ask?
Are they protecting us?
Will we ever know?
Will we ever see them again?
Were they not a soul in a body which was simply a tool to help us SEE that soul?
The body has died.
The soul has not.
So how do we recognise them now?
With a feeling?
A sensation?
A special energy?