is a great website! Why? It empowers you!
How can you use it? To bring about a change, to ask for ideas, to raise a concern, to voice an opinion, to ask for support. We can try and make something happen or sit in silence. which do you prefer?
All you have to do is type in your postcode and you can contact your Councillors, MP, MEPs, MSPs, or
Northern Ireland, Welsh and London for free. I typed in my postcode and got: ~
Your 3 Pinner South Councillors represent you on the Harrow Borough Council. The Borough Council is responsible for local services, including planning, council housing, rubbish collection, local roads, and public paths. Most Councillors are not paid a salary, but get a small basic allowance for the work they do.
Write to all your Councillors
John Nickolay Conservative
Salim Miah Conservative
Chris Mote Conservative
Write to all your MEPs
Baroness Sarah Ludford Liberal Democrat
John Bowis OBE Conservative
Mary Honeyball Labour
Jean Lambert Green
Robert Evans Labour
Gerard Batten UK Independence
Syed Kamall Conservative
Claude Moraes Labour
Charles Tannock Conservative
Write to all your London Assembly Members
Graham Tope Liberal Democrat
Peter Hulme Cross One London Group
Mike Tuffrey Liberal Democrat
Murad Qureshi Labour
Dee Doocey Liberal Democrat
Jenny Jones Green
Damian Hockney One London Group
Darren Johnson Green
Robert Blackman Conservative
11 London Assembly list members also represent you.
Nicky Gavron Labour
Gareth Thomas Labour
Find out more about Gareth Thomas at
Sally Hamwee Liberal Democrat
Geoff Pope Liberal Democrat
Your Brent and Harrow London Assembly Member represents you on the London Assembly. Areas covered include the Mayor’s budget, culture, sport and tourism, health, planning, transport, and trunk roads.
Your Harrow West MP represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.
House of Lords
Lords are not elected by you, but they still get to vote in Parliament just like your MP. You may want to write to a Lord (more info).
Write to a Lord Your 9 London MEPs represent you in the European Parliament. They scrutinise proposed European laws and the budget of the European Union, and provide oversight of its other decision-making bodies.

Amil · April 14, 2008 at 12:42 pm
Another step towards getting rid of the apathy within the society for stepping up and taking a stand.
thanks for sending me this link, it will be very useful soon I am sure!
Best Wishes
Heena Modi · April 14, 2008 at 12:48 pm
Thanks Amil
I hope people are inspired to take a stand. I think people often view ‘taking a stand’ as being a traumatic, confrontational event but it doesn’t have to be. A letter/email can be effective and not at all traumatic or confrontational
Please share it with others and inspire away…
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