Here is a summary of what the Safer Neighbourhood team (SNT) is about.
Ward News
The priorities we work towards are set and monitored by the ward panel. These are members of the community who meet up every six-weeks to examine local crime trends and decide which the SNT will work towards.Residential burglary has been a priority of the team throughout December and January. Two individuals were reported to police by the public and were arrested and charged with burglary at the beginning of January. Since this, the number of burglaries has fallen substantially. The team is not complacent and continues to patrol at the relevant times, ensuring that anyone acting suspiciously is challenged. If you see anyone acting suspiciously in your street, contact Harrow Police via the 999 system.
Ward issues
Another issue that affects the quality of life for local residents are the thefts from motor vehicles. Please ensure that all property is removed from your vehicle and that it is locked and alarmed. We have recently seen an increase in the theft of expensive alloy wheels from top of the range motor vehicles. We have produced a leaflet to assist in dealing with this, but in short changing locking wheel nuts for a slightly more expensive set, may combat the thieves desire for your property.We have recently worked with Pinner Ward and other partners in combating the rise in graffiti. If you have information about anyone who is conducting this unpleasant act please contact us, you needn’t give your details, but I can assure you we will act positively on your information.
Finally we are encouraging all sections of the community, particularly the younger members to join the ward panel, if you are interested please contact us for more details.
How to find out more about Safer Neighbourhoods ~