Dear reader,

This message was sent to me by email. I think it’s really important for members of ANY community to be reminded about how we can live without violence, rather with, communal harmony. There aren’t enough figures in the past or the present who can teach us how to do this, nor are they given enough publicity.

It’s up to us to create an environment that we desire.Now it’s up to you to make a choice and sign the petition or abstain. 🙂

Please sign this Petition to Support the application to Leicester City Council that a statue of Mahatma Gandhi be erected in Leicester.

The statue would celebrate the life and work of Gandhi Ji as the leading figure of non-violent resistance and as a champion of communal harmony.

Gandhiji’s message has become more important than before in this fractured world.

Please click on the link below and register your support for this noble cause.

Mahatma Gandhi

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Kalpana Acharya · March 15, 2008 at 2:09 am

We are the charity, Samanvaya Parivar, that has made the application for planning permission for the statue of Gandhiji to the LCC. Thank you for your support.

Heena Modi · March 24, 2008 at 5:02 pm

No problem at all! Let me know if I can do anything more 🙂

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