I received this message from the Mutual Self Help Network.
Hi all,
As you must be aware, British government is considering several changes to some of the rules that govern visa conditions for visitors (tourists as well as family members). One of the key objective behind this motion is to stem flow of illegal immigrants and also to prevent visitor visa holders to illegally work in UK.
The Indian community is likely to be most severely affected due to these changes. These changes do not apply to EU citizens or to citizens of some of the other western countries.
Home office has released a consultation paper for people in UK, asking for their opinion on the proposed changes. The paper is provided at http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/consultations/visitorsconsultationpaper/. It is essential that we send them our views on the proposed changes and suggest any corrections, if we feel necessary. The deadline for submission of this paper is 10th March. If you have not submitted your views already, please do so soon. Also, I request that you forward this information to your friends and family members so that they can also submit their opinion.
To make the process easier, we’ve prepared a specimen form and associated questionnaire with the information completed. Please contact us if you could like to have a look at it.
You can email completed forms with your views to visitorconsultation@homeoffice.gsi.gov.ukBest regards,
Mutual Self Help Network