It is very easy to want a pet after seeing how much love they can give, how much fun they are and the great photos that can be taken of them. However, as you’ve seen in the ads and campaigns there’s more to owning a pet than that. The owner needs to think about: ~
- Money for food and cat litter for example
- Hygiene re pet hair
- Transporting the animal/s to and from the vets or animal home
- Buying a carrier to transport the animal
- Who will care for it/them and feed them when you’re on holiday
- Can it/they survive when you’re at work
- Will there be issues regarding compatibility with others in your home e.g. children or other pets
- Do you have the patience when you’re tired and your pet/s needs the human touch
- Insurance for your pet/s
These are just a few things to consider. I am sure I have left a few out.
Please let me know of any other things you think of by leaving a comment below this article. 🙂