Are you fed up of getting letters about insurance, double glazing and so much more?
Do you want to stop filling up your (recycling) bin with them?
Here’s how you can do it!
It’s as simple as ticking a box in the electoral register or sending an email to your civic centre.
You see your details are sold by the council to anyone who wants to buy it! This is legal and you have given permission by NOT opting out.
You can opt out when you check your details on the electoral register or you can email the council and tell them that you wish to opt out. The situation is the same nationally.
For Harrow you can email ~
Some background information: ~
The information below was provided by Paul in Harrow Electoral Services
The edited register is published on the 1st of December each year and it is this register that is sold until the next year.
There are two versions of the electoral register. The full version and the edited version.
The full version is available for public inspection at this office and in libraries in Harrow. The public are allowed to inspect it but only hand written notes are permitted and then not for marketing purposes. Access to the full register is restricted by law. Political parties and elected politicians are entitled to copies for electoral purposes only. The register must also be provided to registered credit reference agencies for the purpose of checking credit. When the full register is provided to credit reference agencies the names of those who have opted out are marked so the companies know that they cannot sell those names on to marketing companies. Other organisations such as the police can access the register under certain conditions.
The Edited register is the full register minus the names of all those who have exercised their right to opt out, as you have. This version is available for sale to anyone who wishes to buy it. Their are no restrictions on its use. i hope this is of use. If you require futher information please contact me on the number below.
(Electoral Services Manager)
Tel: 020 84241097