Hi. I have chosen this as my first blog post because I am concerned about how careless drivers are in London, especially, without a mobile phone in their hand! With one? Does it bear thinking about? This is an article that was written by Arvind. Brief but to the point.
Teenage motorist, Rachel Begg was sentenced to 4 years in prison on Friday 20th July 2007 after being found guilty of causing death whilst driving and using her mobile phone.
- Available now – a simple car sticker which will eliminate or limit the danger posed by drivers using mobile phones whilst driving
- A colourful and highly visible sticker with a hard hitting message — “Zap your phone, not our children”
- Designed in a glowing yellow colour for maximum visibility and impact.
- A simple and powerful idea which will save many lives and injuries.
- Every car in the country should have one in its back window.
- Available for worldwide distribution for only £2.99 plus p&p
Launched by Arvind Devalia http://www.zapyourphone.com/ Press release on 20th July 2007